How I made a cloak...
Using a piece of string/rope as a compass. Center point is pinned end of rope is loose. White soap used for marking cutting line.

Cutting line for neck. I was not sure if this was to go in the center of the circle or the circle was to radiate out from it. I made the edges radiate from the edge points. The finished cloak is longer in front than back because I did it this way.

Sewing the hood pieces. Note that I used pinking sheers to cut all edges.

The hood piece and cape neck were about 5" different in size. I zig-zaged with a very wide stich over a piece of dental floss (white line in photo below) on the longer piece. Then I pulled on the floss until the pieces were the same length, and pinned before sewing. After finishing I removed the floss and zig-zag basting.

I used a frog clasp, handsewn on , to close the cloak.

Need to get a better finished product photo. This one needs to be turned. Finished cloak.

I still need to wash off the soap lines. Most faded as I worked with the cloak. Big Bird got a HUGE smile on his face when I showed it to him last night....but he was afraid to wear it for long because there were 2 pins holdig on the frog closure, as I ran out of time at nap time to sew on both sides.
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