Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In a funk...

I'm in a funk. This weather transition to winter I am not doing well with. My online groups are hitting a wrong spot. Did not get to attend MOPS group and the newsletter of the day was not uplifting whatsoever. Have not had much time to talk with my husband - between my work and his increased hours we have not eaten supper together this week. Hopefully tonight. I'm just feeling concerned and alone.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After

I woke up this morning to the news that Barrack Obama will become the new President of the United States in January. I pray for protection for his family during this time. I am concerned for the safety of him, his wife and children, and our country more now than I have been in the last few years.

One benefit I see of Obama winning the position of President - it opens the door for women. How? black men recieved the right to vote before ALL women. Therefore it has been my belief for several years that our country will elecct a black male to the White House before we elect a woman to any position in the White House. Now that we have crossed that bridge maybe in my lifetieme I will see a woman in the White House?

That is my $.02 about the 2008 election.