Friday, April 1, 2011

No Fooling

So today is April Fools Day...I sat down and decided to turn on the TV early this morning...something was not quite right and as I was waiting for the TV to "warm up"  - not normal for this TV - I started thinking, "I wonder what's wrong."  Well I found out about 30 seconds later...the bulb blew on the TV.

Our old TV is also out of order thanks to Mediacom's upgrade to all digital TV.  When we were tryting to remove the coax cable to install the little converter box on our analog television something broke, so it can not recieve any input - antena, cable or dvd player.  UHG!

So today is going to be about spring cleaning, playing games and spending the day with NO working TV's in the house. 

PS. For the Record I don't like April Fools Spoofs or whatever thy are calling them this year...

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