Saturday, June 23, 2007

All Gone

I was starting to clean up from lunch and looked at my 7.5 month old son. He had finished the finger food on his tray and made a two syllable sound that sounded like "all gone". I looked at him and asked, "All Gone? Are you all done?" He waved his hands in using the sign I have been using for a couple of week for 'all done.' This is the first time I have heard him communicate in sign/verbally. (Not including crying & coos, of course).

After lunch we were playing and we finished the game. I said all done and he looked at me and signed it again. He did it several times! I am so excited to see him signing. We have been signing off and on since he was born. I have been trying to do the signs for 'more', 'all done', and 'milk' at the appropriate times for the last few weeks on a consistent basis. He responds to the 'milk' sign with a big smile, because he knows that he gets to nurse.

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